Currently, ongoing research works in the area of Satellite Data Processing and Analysis, Medical Image Processing, 5G Networks, IoT and Cybersecurity are as follows:
- Deep Learning architectures for Land cover mapping from high resolution remote sensing images.
- Deep Learning architectures for de-hazing of Aerial and Multispectral spectral satellite images.
- Deep Learning architectures for de-noising of Aerial and Multispectral spectral satellite images.
- Deep Learning architectures for Land cover classification from Multispectral and Hyper spectral Satellite Images.
- Deep Learning architectures for Object Detection from Aerial and Multispectral spectral satellite images.
- Deep Learning architectures for Land Cover Change Analysis from high resolution remote sensing images.
- Deep Learning architectures for Forestry Remote sensing Applications.
- Deep Learning architectures for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Analysis.
- Deep Learning architectures for Land Cover Object Segmentation and Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images.
- Deep Learning architectures for Land Cover Change Analysis from Bi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Images.
- Optimization algorithm for contrast enhancement for Remote Sensing Images.
- Deep Learning Methods for Segmentation of H&E Stained Histopathology Images
- Deep Learning Methods for Liver, Kidney, Colon, Lung and Prostate Cancer Detection from H&E Stained Histopathology Images
- Deep Learning Methods for Multi-modal Fusion of Medical Radiology Images
- Deep Learning Architectures for Cyber Security Applications
- Deep Learning Architectures for 5G and B5G Network Applications
- Deep Learning Architectures for IoT Healthcare and Security Applications
(A) Referred Journal Publications:
75) Vishal Mukundan, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Sravya N, Akshaya Prabhu, Shyam Lal," IDSegNet: An Improved Deep Segmentation Network for Land Cover Object Segmentation from SAR Images", Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment ", 2025, Elsevier Publisher. (Under Review) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2023) Impact Factor: 3.8.
74) Sravya N, Akshaya Prabu, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy “A Novel Dataset and Efficient KAN based Deep Learning Model for Building Object Segmentation from High Resolution Cartosat-2E Satellite Images ”,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2025, IEEE publisher. (Under Review) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), Impact Factor: 7.5
73) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, “Development of Robust CNN Architecture for Grading and Classification of Renal Cell Carcinoma Histology Images", IEEE Access, 2025, IEEE publisher. (Under Review) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor:3.70
72) Vibha Damodara Kevala, Sravya N, Shyam Lal, Shilpa Suresh, Fabio Dell’Acqua “TransSARNet: A Deep Learning Framework for Despeckling of SAR Images”, IEEE Access, 2024, IEEE publisher. (Under Revision) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor:3.90
71) Vishal Srivastava, Akshaya Prabu, Sravya N, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini “ An Efficient Parallel Branch Network for Multi-class Classification of Prostate Cancer from Histopathology Images”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley Publisher. (Under Revision) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2023) Impact Factor: 3.3
70)Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, “Lightweight Truncated Fused-MirrorNet for Classification and Analysis of Histopathology Images", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Nature Publisher.(Under Review) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
69) Sravya N, Pavitha U, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy “CartoRoadNet: A Deep Learning Framework for Indian Road Network Extraction from Cartosat-2E Satellite Images", Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer on behalf of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. (Under Revision) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2023) Impact Factor: 2.2
68) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Shilpa Suresh, “Development and Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks for the Classification of Subtypes of Renal Cell Carcinoma from Kidney Histopathological Images”, Scientific Reports Nature Publisher. (Under Revision) IndexedSCI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2022) Impact Factor: 4.996.
67)Akshaya Prabu, Sravya N, Shyam Lal, “ ProsGradNet: An Effective and Structured CNN Approach for Prostate Cancer Grading from Histopathology Images”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control , 105, 102025, 2025, Elsevier Publisher. (Published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2023) Impact Factor: 4.9.
66) K S Basavaraju, Sravya N, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Shilpa Suresh, Shyam Lal , “SFSCDNet: A Deep Learning model with Spatial Flow based Semantic Change Detection from Bi-temporal Satellite Images”, IEEE Access, 2024, IEEE publisher. (Onine Published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor:3.90.
65) Sanjay Shanbhag; Supreetha Raju; Varadraj P. Gurupur; S. Sowmya Kamath; Rajesh N. V. P. S. Kandala; Elizabeth A. Trader; Shyam Lal, '"Analyzing Data Incompleteness for MRI Data for Quality Enhancement," IEEE Access,vol. 12, pp. 183542-183554, 2024, IEEE Publisher. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3511384
64) Vibha DamodaraKevala, Shyam Lal, “NBDNet- A Deep Learning Algorithm for Despeckling of SAR Data”, SN Computer Science, 2024, Springer Nature Publisher.(Published),Indexed by Scopus (Elsevier), DOI:
63) Sravya N, K S Basavaraju, Shyam Lal,, "MDEANet: Modified Detail-Enhanced Convolution and Attention-based Network for Dehazing of Remote Sensing Images", Multimedia Tools and Applications", 2024, Springer Nature Publisher.(Published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
62) Sravya N, Khyati Bhaduka,Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy “A Robust CNN Framework for Change Detection Analysis from Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, IEEE publisher. (Published) ,Indexed SCI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2022) Impact Factor: 5.5
61) Punith S, Raghavendra B.S, Mahendra Pratap Singh, Shyam Lal, “RMDNet-Deep Learning Paradigms for Effective Malware Detection and Classification", IEEE Access Journal, 2024, IEEE publisher. (Published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor:3.9.
60) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Sravya N, Shyam Lal, Sandeep Kumar, PU Prakash Saxena, “Classification and Grade Prediction of Kidney cancer Histological Images using Deep Learning", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024, Springer Nature Publisher.(Published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
59) Shyam Lal, Amit Kumar Chanchal, Jyoti Kini, Gopal Krishna Upadhyay, “FPGA Implementation of Deep Learning Architecture for Kidney Cancer Detection From Histopathological Images Images, Multimedia Tools and Applications", 2023, Springer Nature Publisher.(Online Published) Indexedby SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757. DOI:10.1007/s11042-023-17895-1
58) Basavaraju KS, Solanki Hiren N, Sravya N, Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy, BCDetNet: A Deep Learning Architecture for Building Change Detection from Bi-Temporal High Resolution Satellite Images, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2023, Springer Nature Publisher. Indexed SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2022) Impact Factor: 5.66.
57) Shyam Lal, “TC-SegNet: Robust deep learning network for fully automatic two-chamber segmentation of two-dimensional echocardiography”, Multimedia Tools and Applications", 2023, Springer Nature Publisher.( Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
56) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Dipanshu Barnwal , Prince Sinha , Shrikant Arvavasu, JyotiKini, “Evolution of LiverNet 2.x: Architectures for Automated Liver Cancer Grade Classification from H&E stained Liver Histopathological Images, Multimedia Tools and Applications", 2023, Springer Nature Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
55) Pradeep Kr. Gupta, Amit Kr. Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Vivek Gupta, "Non-subsampled Shearlet Domain-based De-speckling Framework for Optical Coherence Tomography Images”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review,vol. 16, No.2, pp. 100-106.2023, International Hellenic University, Greece Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier),Impact Factor: 0.16; DOI:
54) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, “A Novel Dataset and Efficient Deep Learning Framework for Automated Grading of Renal Cell Carcinoma from Kidney Histopathology images”, Scientific Reports, 2023, Nature Publisher.(Published)) IndexedSCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2022) Impact Factor: 4.996.
53) Deepanshi, Rahasya Barkur, Devishi Suresh, Shyam Lal ,C.Sudhakar Reddy, PG Diwakar, “RSCDNet: A robust Deep learning architecture for change detection from bi-temporal high resolution satellite images”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics on Computational Intelligence, 2023, IEEE publisher. (Published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier),JCR (2021) Impact Factor: 4.851.
52) Shilpa Suresh, Ragesh Rajan, Asha CS, Shyam Lal“Enhanced JAYA Optimization based Medical Image Fusion in Adaptive Non Subsampled Shearlet Transform Domain”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal.(Published)) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2021) Impact Factor: 5.155
51) Sravya N, Priyanka, Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy and Dell’Acqua Fabio, DPPNet : An Efficient and Robust Deep Learning Network for Land Cover Segmentation from High Resolution Satellite Images”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics on Computational Intelligence, 2023, IEEE publisher. (Published) Indexed by SCIE and Scopus (Elsevier),JCR (2021) Impact Factor: 4.851.
50) Abhi kalra, Aaron Sequeira, Aditya Manjunath, Shyam Lal, “A New Deep Learning Architecture for Dehazing of Aerial Remote Sensing Images”, Multimedia Tools and Applications", Springer Publisher.( Accepted) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
49) Basavaraju KS, Sravya N, Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy and Dell’Acqua Fabio, UCDNet: A Deep Learning Model for Urban Change Detection from Bi-temporal Multispectral Sentinel-2 Satellite Images”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, IEEE publisher. (Online published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus with Impact Factor: 5.6 DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2022.3161337,
48) Ramavath, Prasad Naik, Shripathi Acharya Udupi, Shyam Lal and Prabu Krishnan, Performance Investigation of Underwater Wireless Optical System for Image Transmission through the Oceanic Turbulent Optical Medium", Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer Publisher. (Online published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier)
47) Priyanka, Sravya N, Shyam Lal, J Nalini, Chintala Sudhakar Reddy and Dell’Acqua Fabio, “DIResUNet Architecture for Multiclass Semantic Segmentation of High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Data” Applied Intelligence, Springer Nature Publisher. (Online Published) Indexed by SCI and SCOPUS, JCR (2020) Impact Factor 5.08
46) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, “Deep Structured Residual Encoder-Decoder Network with a Novel Loss Function for Nuclei Segmentation of Kidney and Breast Histopathology Images”, Multimedia Tools and Applications", SpringerPublisher.(Published)) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757.
45) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, “High Resolution Deep Transferred ASPPU-Net for Nuclei Segmentation of Histopathology Images”,International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, SpringerPublisher.(Published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.924;
44) Anirudh Ashok Aatresh, Rohit Prashant Yatgiri, Amit Kumar Chanchal, Aman Kumar, Akansh Ravi, Devikalyan Das, Raghavendra BS, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini “Efficient Deep Learning Architecture with Dimension-wise Pyramid Pooling for Nuclei Segmentation of Histopathology Images”, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol.93, 2021, Elsevier Publisher.(Published) Indexedby SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 4.79.
43) Praveen Iyer, Sriram A, Shyam Lal, “Deep Learning Ensemble Method for Classification of Satellite Hyperspectral Images”, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2021, Elsevier Publisher. (Published) Indexed by ESCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier).
42) Karuna Kumari Eerapu,Shyam Lal, et al., “O-SegNet : Robust Encoder and Decoder Architecture for Objects Segmentation from Aerial Imagery Data", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics on Computational Intelligence, IEEE publisher. (Online published) Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier),Indexed by SCIE and Scopus (Elsevier),JCR (2021) Impact Factor: 4.851.
41). Anirudh Ashok Aatresh, Kumar Alabhya, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, “LiverNet: Efficient and Robust Deep Learning Model for Automatic Diagnosis of Sub-types of Liver Cancer Hepatocellular Carcinomafrom H&E Stained Liver Histopathology Images” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2021, Springer Publisher. (Published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.924
40). Santanu Roy, Devikalyan Das, Shyam Lal, Jyoti R Kini, “A Novel Edge Detection Method for Nuclei Segmentation of Liver Cancer Histopathology Images”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2021, Springer Publisher. (Published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 7.14
39) Amit Kumar Chanchal, Aman Kumar, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, “Efficient and Robust Deep Learning Architecture for Segmentation of Kidney and Breast Histopathology Images”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2021, Elsevier Publisher. (Published) Indexedby SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 3.818
38) Shilpa Suresh, Ragesh Rajan M, Jagalingam Pushparaj, Asha CS, Shyam Lal, C. Sudhakar Reddy, “Dehazing of Satellite Images using Adaptive Black Widow Optimization-Based Framework”,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2021, Taylor’s and Francis Publisher.(Published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 3.151.
37) Shyam Lal, Devikalyan Das, Kumar Alabhya, Anirudh Kanfade, Aman Kumar, Jyoti Kini, “NucleiSegNet: Robust Deep Learning Architecture for the Nuclei Segmentation of Liver Cancer Histopathology Images”,Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 128,No.104075, January 2021, Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 4.589
36) Pradeep K. Gupta, Shyam Lal, Farooq Husain, “Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Based Despeckling Framework for Ultrasound Images”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review,vol. 13, No.5, pp. 20-32,2020, International Hellenic University, Greece Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier),Impact Factor: 0.19;
35) SumitKanu, Rohit Khoja, Shyam Lal, et al. “CloudX-Net: A Robust Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Cloud Detection from Satellite Remote Sensing Images”, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2020, Elsevier Publisher.(Online published) Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier).
34) Asha C S, Munendra Singh, Shilpa Suresh, Shyam Lal, “Optimized Dynamic Stochastic Resonance Framework for Enhancement of Structural Details of Satellite Images”, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2020, Elsevier Publisher.(Online published) Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier)
33) Shreyas A. Simuand ShyamLal.,"A Framework for Automated Bone Age Assessment from Digital Hand Radiographs”,Multimedia Tools and Applications,vol.79, pp. 15747–15764, April 2020,Springer Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2020) Impact Factor: 2.757
32) Shilpa Suresh and Shyam Lal,“A Metaheuristic Framework based Automatic Spatial-Spectral Grapg for Land Cover Classification from Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Iamges",Infrared Physics and Technology, vol.105,103172, pp. 1-11, March 2020, Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2018) Impact Factor: 2.313.
31) Pradeep K Gupta, Shyam Lal, Farooq Husain, “A Robust Framework for De-speckling of Optical Coherence Tomography Images”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, No.5, pp. 4094-4106, 2020, SERSC publisher.Indexed by Scopus (Elsevier), Impact Factor: 0.11.
30) KarunaKumariEerapu, BalrajAshwath, Shyam Lal, et al.,“Dense Refinement Residual Network for Road Extraction from Aerial Imagery Data, IEEE Access Journal,2019, IEEE publisher. Indexed by SCIE, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor:4.05.
29) Pradeep K. Gupta, Shyam Lal,et al.,“Two dimensional cuckoo search optimization algorithm based despeckling filter for the real ultrasound images”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019, Springer Publisher. (Online published) Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 1.588.
28) Santanu Roy, Shyam Lal, et al.,“A Novel Color Normalization Method for Hematoxylin and Eosin Histopathology Images", IEEE Access Journal,vol. 7, pp. 28982-28998, December 2019, IEEE Access Journal, IEEE publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor :4.05.
27) Asha CS, Shyam Lal, VaradrajGurupur, PU Prakash Saxena, “Multi-modal Medical Image Fusion with Adaptive Weighted Combination of NSST Bands using Chaotic Grey Wolf Optimization”, IEEE Access Journal,vol.7,pp. 40782-40796, December 2019, IEEE publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor:4.05.
26) Narendra Singh Pal,Shyam Lal, KshitijShinghal, “A Robust Framework for Visibility Enhancement of Foggy Images”,Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol.22, pp. 22-32, January 2019, Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by ESCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier).
25) Shreyas A. Simu; Shyam Lal, et al., "Fully Automatic Segmentation of Phalanges from Hand Radiographs for Bone Age Assessment"Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging &Visualization,vol.7,no.1,59-87,January 2019, Taylor and Francis Publisher. Indexed by ESCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier).
24) Shilpa Suresh and Shyam Lal, et al.,“Multi-spectral Satellite Image Denoising via Adaptive Cuckoo Search based Wiener Filter", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,vol. 56,no.8,pp. 4334-4345, 2018, IEEE publisher.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2018) Impact Factor: 5.63.
23) KarunaKumari E., Devikalyan Das, ShilpaSuresh,Shyam Lal, et al., “A Robust Framework for Quality Enhancement of Aerial Remote Sensing Images”,Infrared Physics and Technology, vol.93, 2018, pp. 362-364, 2018, Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2017) Impact Factor: 1.851.
22) Santanu Roy, Alok Kumar Jain, Shyam Lal, et al., “A Study about Color Normalization Methods for Histopathology Images”, Micron, vol.114, 42-62,2018,Elsevier Publisher.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 1.782.
21) Narendra Singh Pal,Shyam Lal, KshitijShinghal,“A Robust Visibility Restoration Framework for Rainy Weather Degraded Image”, Tem Journal, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 859-868 November,2018.Indexed by ESCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier).
20) Narendra Singh Pal,Shyam Lal, KshitijShinghal,"Modified Visibility Restoration based Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Colour Foggy Images”, IETE Technical Review, vol.35, no.3, pp. 223-236, June 2018, Taylor and Francis Publisher.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 1.330.
19) Narendra Singh Pal,Shyam Lal, KshitijShinghal,“Visibility Enhancement of Images Degraded by Hazy Weather Conditions using Modified Non-local Approach”Optik-International journal for light and electron, vol.63, pp. 99-113, May 2018,Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 0.835.
18) Shilpa Suresh, Devikalyan Das, Shyam Lal, et al. “Image Quality Restoration Framework for Contrast Enhancement of Satellite Remote Sensing Images”,Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, vol. 10, pp.104-119, May 2018, Elsevier Publisher. (Accepted) Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier),
17) Shilpa Suresh and Shyam Lal, "Two Dimensional CS Adaptive FIR Wiener Filtering Algorithm for the Denoising of Satellite Images", EEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), vol.10, no.12, pp. 5245-525, December 2017, IEEE publisher.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR(2018) Impact factor: 3.393.(Among top 10 and 12 frequently accessed articles for IEEE JSTARS in December 2017 and January 2018)
16) Shilpa Suresh and Shyam Lal, “Modified Differential Evolution Algorithm for Contrast and Brightness Enhancement of Remote Sensing Images,"Applied Soft Computing,Vol. 61, pp. 622-64, December 2017,Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 3.541.
15) Shreyas A. Simu and Shyam Lal, et al.,"Fully Automatic ROI Extraction and Edge-based Segmentation of Radius and Ulna Bones from Hand Radiographs for Bone Age Assessment”,Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 37, no. 4, pp.718-732,October2017,ElsevierPublisher.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2018) Impact Factor: 1.031
14) Shilpa Suresh andShyam Lal, et al. “A Novel Adaptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement of Satellite Images”,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), Vol. 10, No.8, pp. 3665-3676, August 2017, IEEE publisher. Article DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2699200Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR(2016) Impact Factor: 3.393(Among top 25 frequently accessed articles for IEEE JSTARS in August and September 2017)
13) Shilpa Suresh and Shyam Lal, “Multilevel Thresholding based on Chaotic Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization for Segmentation of Satellite Images,"Applied Soft Computing, Vol.55, pp. 503-522, March 2017, Elsevier Publisher.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 3.541. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.02.005
12) Shreyas A Simu and ShyamLal,"A study about Evolutionary and Non-evolutionary Segmentation Techniques on Hand Radiographs for Bone Age Assessment," Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 33, pp.220-235, March 2017,Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 2.27. Article DOI:10.1016/j.bspc.2016.11.016.
11) Aman Sharma, Naga Ganesh Kurapati, Ravi Prasad K. Jagannatha, Patrice Wirab, Shyam Lal, et al.,"Modified Null Space Strategy to Solve Consensus Problem",Kuwait Journal of Science, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 82-94, October 2016,Academic Publication council of Kuwait University, Kuwait.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR (2016) Impact Factor: 0.310, &[ISSN No.:2307-4108 (Print),2307-4116 (Online)].
10) ShilpaSureshandShyam Lal, "An Efficient Cuckoo Search Algorithm based Multilevel Thresholding for Segmentation of Satellite Images Using Different Objective Functions, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 58, pp. 184-209, October 2016, Elsevier Publisher. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), JCR(2016) Impact Factor: 3.981, & [ISSN No.: 0957-4174], Article DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.03.032.
9)ShyamLal,and Rahul Kumar,“An Efficient Method for Contrast Enhancement of Real World Hyper Spectral Images”,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology.Volume 12, No. 6A, December 2015.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), Impact Factor: 0.724&[ISSN No. : 1683-3198(Print)].
8)Shyam Lal,A.V. Narasimhadan and Rahul Kumar “Automatic Method for Contrast Enhancement of Natural Color Images”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology", vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1233-1243, April 2015. Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), Impact Factor: 0.679, & [ISSN No. : 1975-0102 (Print)].
7)ShyamLal,and Mahesh Chandra, “Efficient Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement of Natural Images,”The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 96-103, January 2014.Indexed by SCI, Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), Impact Factor: 0.724, & [ISSN No. : 1683-3198(Print)].
6)ShyamLal,and Rahul Kumar, “Dual Tracking Method for Real Time Object Tracking using Moving Camera,”Research Journal on Applied Science, Engineering & Technology, vol. 5,No. 16, pp. 4158-4167, April 2013. Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier), SJR (2011) Impact Factor: 0.15, & [ISSN: 2040-7459 (Print), 2040-7467 (Online)] - (DOI- 6655-RJASET).
5)ShyamLal,and Rahul Kumar, “Enhancement of Hyperspectral Real World Images using Hybrid Domain Approach,”International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 29-39, April 2013.Indexed by INSPEC,Scirus(Elsevier),and DOAJ,& [ISSN: 2074-9074(Print), ISSN: 2074-9082 (Online)]-(DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2013.05.04).
4)ShyamLal,and Mahesh Chandra, “Image Denoising of Wavelet based Compressed Images Corrupted by Additive White Gaussian Noise,”Research Journal on Applied Science, Engineering & Technology, vol. 4, no. 17, pp. 3108-3118, 2012.Indexed by Thomson ISI, Scopus (Elsevier),SJR 2013) Impact Factor: 0.16, & [ISSN: 2040-7459 (Print), 2040-7467 (Online)-(DOI- 4683-RJASET).
3)ShyamLal,and Mahesh Chandra, “Efficient Algorithm for Enhancement of Images Corrupted by Salt & Pepper Noise,”WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 8, no.3, pp. 135-144, 2012. Indexed by Scopus (Elsevier), ACM, EI (Elsevier), SNIP (2011): 0.914,SJR (2013) Impact Factor: 0.19, & [ISSN No. : 1790-5022].
2)Shyam Lal, Mahesh Chandra and Gopal Krishna Upadhyay,“Efficient Algorithm for Removal of High Density Additive White Gaussian Noise,” World Applied Sciences Journal, vol.16, no.12, pp. 1722-1733, 2012. Indexed by Thomson ISI,Scopus (Elsevier), SJR (2013) Impact Factor :0.22, & [ISSN No.: 1818-4952(Print), 1991-6426(Online)].
1)Shyam Lal, Sanjeev Kumar, and Mahesh Chandra, “Removal of High Density Salt & Pepper Noise Through Super Mean Filter for Natural Images,”International Journal on Computer Science Issue, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 303-309, 2012.Indexed by Scopus (Elsevier),EI(Elsevier), Scirus(Elsevier), Impact Factor: 0.242, &ISSN No.:1694-0814(Online).
(B). Text Book/Book Chapters/Monogram
[6] Chapter Name:Automatic Deep Learning Framework for Breast Cancer Detection and Classification from H&E Stained Breast Histopathology Images
Authors Name: Anmol Verma, Asish Panda, Amit Kumar Chanchal, Shyam Lal, and B. S. Raghavendra. Year of Published: August 2021; pp. 215-227
Book Title: Data Science,Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks; Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.; Editors: Gyanendra K. Verma, Badal Soni. Salah Bourennane. Alexandre C. B. Ramos; ISBN 978-981-16-1680-8 ISBN 978-981-16-1681-5 (eBook)
[5] Chapter Name:Efficient Deep Learning Framework with Group Convolution for Segmentation of Histopathology Image;
Authors Name: Amit Kumar Chanchal, Aman Kumar, Kumar Alabhya, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini; Year of Published: June 2021, pp.383-392
Book Title: Intelligent Computing and Communication System Algorithms for Intelligent Systems; Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Editors: Brahmjit Singh, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Poonam Jindal, Pankaj Verma ; ISBN 978-981-16-1294-7 & ISBN 978-981-16-1295-4 (eBook);
[4] Chapter Name:Feature Extraction of Normalized Colorectal Cancer Histopathology Images
Authors Name: Alok Kumar Jain and Shyam Lal; Year of Published: 2019 ;
Book Title: Ambient Communications and Computer Systems; Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Editors: Y.C. Hu, S.Tiwari, K.K. Mishra, M. C. Trivedi ; ISBN/ ISSN No. : ISBN 978-981-13-5933-0
[3] Chapter Name: Enhancement of Digital Images using Non-Linear Filters
Authors Name: Shyam Lal, Mahesh Chandra Gopal Krishna Upadhyay, and Akhilesh R. Upadhyay; Year of Published: 2010
Book Title: Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology ; Editors: K.V.Kale, S.C. Mehrotra, R.R. Manza ; ISBN/ ISSN No. : ISBN-978-93-80026-95-4; Publisher: International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
[2] Chapter Name: Simulation Based Analysis of Distance Based Adaptive Handoff Algorithm
Authors Name: Shyam Lal and Deepak Kumar Panwar, Year of Published: 2009
[1].Book Title: Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology
Publisher: I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi ; Editors: K.V.Kale, S.C. Mehrotra, R.R. Manza ;ISBN/ ISSN No. : ISBN-978-81-89866-74-7
(C). Referred International Conferences/Seminar
15) Sravya N, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Akshaya P, Basavaraju K S, Shyam Lal, “Detection of Building Infrastructure Changes from Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images”India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS) during December 02-05, 2024at NIT Goa, India. (Accepted and Presented)
14) Sibani Panigrahi1, Sohham Seal, Shyam Lal, Ganesh Naik“Gesture prediction using surface-EMG signals” 3rd International Conference on Paradigm Shifts in Communication, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Signal Processing (PCEMS 2024). 11-12 November, 2024, VNIT Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440010, India.(Accepted and presented)
13) K S Basavaraju, Sravya Nedungat, Vibha Damodara Kevala, Shyam Lal, “Recent Advances in Urban Expansion Monitoring Through Deep Learning-Based Semantic Change Detection Techniques From Satellite Imagery”,2024 IEEE EEE Space, Aerospace and Defence Conference (SPACE) during July 22-23, 2024 at Sheraton Grand Whitefield Hotel and Convention Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
12). Suhit Telang, K S Basavaraju, Sravya Nedungat, Shyam Lal, “An Effective Deep Learning Model for Pan-Sharpening of Satellite Images”,9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT 2024) during July 12-14, 2024 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
11). Vibha Damodara Kevala, Sankarsh Ravi, Surya Kaushik B N, Shyam Lal, “Modified Dual Domain Network for SAR Change Detection”,9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT 2024) during July 12-14, 2024 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.(Best paper Award)
10). Shyam Lal, AnirudhKanfade, Kumar Alabhya, Russel Dsouza, Aman Kumar, Amit Kumar Chanchal, Maneesh M, GokulPeryail,JyotiKini, “A Robust Method for Nuclei Segmentation of H&E Stained Histopathology Images”, 7th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks(SPIN2020), Amity University,Delhi NCR, Noida, UP., February 27-28, 2020.
9) Narendera Singh Pal, Shyam Lal and KshitijShinghal, “A Visibility Restoration Framework for rainy images by using Lo gradient minimization and Bilateral Filtering”,IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Control an Networking(ICACCCN-2018), Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Delhi NCR, Greater Noida, UP., October 12-13, 2018.
8) Pradeep K. Gupta, Shyam Lal, Farooq Husain,“Comparative Analysis of Different Despeckling filters used for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images”,2nd IEEE International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE 2018), SRM Delhi NCR Campus, Ghaziabad,UP, India, September 20-21,2018. (Accepted).
7) Alok Kumar Jain and Shyam Lal, “Feature Extraction of Normalized Colorectal Cancer Histopathology Images”, Springer 3rdInternational Conference on Recent Advancements in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (RACCCS- 2018),Aryabhatta College of Engineering & Research Center, Ajmer, India during August 10-11, 2018.
6) Shilpa Suresh, Devikalyan Das, and Shyam Lal,“A Framework for Quality Enhancement of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images”, 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC-2017), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, December 14 – 16, 2017.
5) Shreyas A Simu and Shyam Lal, “Automated Bone Age Assessment using Bag of Features and Random Forests”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2017), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, December 7-8, 2017.
4) Narendera Singh Pal, Shyam Lal and KshitijShinghal, "An Improved Method for Visibility Enhancement of Foggy Images", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics & Sustainable Energy Systems (ICETEESES-16) by KNIT, Sultanpur (UP), India, pp. 350-354, March 11-12, 2016.DOI: 10.1109/ICETEESES.2016.7581408.
3) Abhinav Sridhar, Srivatsa Sridhar, and Shyam Lal,"A Novel Solution to Routing in Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Networks in High Primary User Traffic Environments" Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference organized by B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India, pp. 905-909, June 12-13, 2015. DOI:10.1109/IADCC.2015.7154836.
2)ShyamLal,Rahul Kumar and Mahesh Chandra, “An Improved Method for Contrast Enhancement of Real World Hyperspectral Images”, 9th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine 2013), jointly organized by Gautam Buddha University, Gr. Noida, India and EAI, USA, January 11-12, 2013 published by Springer LNICST, vol. 115, pp. 273-282, 2013.
1)Shyam Lal, Mahesh Chandra, and Gopal Krishna Upadhyay, “Vision based Real Time Object Tracking Using a Moving Camera,”In the Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-2012), Pentagram Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India, pp. 29-33, February 15-18, 2012.
[D] Patents (Granted & Published):
1) Sandeep Kumar, Hanjung Song, Prabu K,Shyam Lal, “Reconfigurable Triple-Band On-Chip Nano Antenna for Terahertz Applications” Indian Patent (Granted): 24/07/2024 , Patent Number: 545773
2) Mahendra Pratap Singh, Nirdosh Thakur, Shaym Lal, Sandhya, "Provisioning of eSIM and Secure Slice-Level Authentication" , Application No.: 202441052642, Date of Filing: 10/07/2024, Date of Published on 19/07/2024